Saturday 30 November 2013


So, I've finally decided that I should start to write it all down.

What are you talking about Andrea?

I mean,  I'm finally going to start my long journey to food Nirvana only accomplish-able by means of eating, digesting, writing and and reporting to you all in every fine detail the in's and out's out delish cookery.  Described in my blog I will tell you how to pretty-much do anything you need to with food; the right consistency for meringue, the perfect boiling temperature for poached eggs and of course, how to sear the perfect filet mignon.  I plan on sampling gadgets and kitchen accessories to tell you all which ones are terrible (who the ---- invented the strawberry stem remover??) and which ones are not so terrible.

My journey will not come cheap .  I expect to gain a few pounds (more than likely of butter alone!) and I really expect to learn a lot about how I react to certain unplanned tragedies in the kitchen and beyond. 

I hope to gather by the end of this year, or at least, by the end of my purse strings, that I will have accomplished a far greater goal.  To be able to teach what I've learned to those who are interested and to those who are willing to listen to my foolish ramblings and not get overwhelmed with my nonsense and such.  Yup, I'm talking about my brother Evan.  You question it all and I'm glad, because without people who didn't believe in my abilities, I wouldn't have made it this far at all!

So, sit back, relax and put on your apron!  Questions are always welcome in my classroom!
